Photographer: Tero Takalo-Eskola
Photographer: Tero Takalo-Eskola
Photographer: Julia Kivelä
Photographer: Julie Weien-Foroy
Photographer: Julia Kivelä
Photographer: Tero Takalo-Eskola
Photographer: Julia Kivelä
Photographer: Julia Kivelä
  • Culture

  • Nature

  • Sauna

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  • Architecture

Jyväskylä Region

6 days

May - Sep

6 Day Finnish Lakeland Summer Itinerary – with public transport

Experience true Finnish summer in the heart of the breathtaking Finnish Lakeland. Jyväskylä Region mesmerizes with its beautiful summery landscapes, midnight sun, water activities and the relaxing heat of the Finnish sauna. Jyväskylä Region is full of fun things to do, see and experience during summer. This 5-day Finnish Lakeland summer itinerary ensures you won’t miss any must-have experiences on your nordic adventure.

See route


May - Sep


Car route


6 days


Approximately 300 km km

6 Day Finnish Lakeland Summer Itinerary – with public transport 

This 6-Day travel plan in the summery Jyväskylä Region will take you on a 300 km road-trip through Laukaa, Jyväskylä, Petäjävesi, Keuruu and Himos-Jämsä. You will get the must-have summer experiences like sauna, national parks and nature, water activities and interesting museums. You can marvel at the light nights and the gentle warmth oh the Finnish summer. The itinerary includes restaurant & accommoation suggestions, but feel free to modify the travel plan to fit your preferences and budget.

Note, that some activities need to be booked before-hand, this will be mentioned in the day plan.

This itinerary can be accomplished completely with public transport, or you can rent a car. Ther public transport connections are mentioned in the text according to the day itinerary. You can find information on driving in the Jyväskylä Region here.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Jyväskylä Region Tourist Office at / +358 145690113.

Useful info

– Book accommodations & activities beforehand to ensure availability
Finnish rules & rights for enjoying outdoors
– You can do the whole itinerary using public transport:

– If you want more freedom, rent an eCar:

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