Limited availability | Experience

Three-Canal Tour and Astuvansalmi Rock Paintings

Suurlahdentie 1671
52360 Mikkeli

Rib Saimaa +358405558250 Visit website

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Lake Saimaa is full of captivating canals, and on this three-canal cruise, we will navigate through three historical canals and visit the Astuvansalmi rock paintings in the waters of Ristiina and Anttola, near Mikkeli. The Kirkkotaipale and Varkaantaipale canals are navigable by larger vessels, but the picturesque Vuolteen canal is only accessible by boat. Along the way, you’ll experience the pristine waters and rugged shorelines of Saimaa at their purest. You’ll also visit the breathtaking Astuvansalmi rock formations and discover the ancient rock paintings that have been preserved for thousands of years, depicting people, animals, and handprints. Discover faces in the rocks and hear the amazing echoes! We’ll dock to explore the paintings on land, and those interested can climb the magnificent rocks for panoramic views.

The trip includes a traditional campfire coffee break at a scenic viewpoint, where you’ll enjoy the sunset. You can also pre-order Rib Saimaa’s hearty picnic meal to enjoy at the campfire.

Kesä 2025
Tämä on yksi Päämajasi Saimaalla -tuotteista.

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