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Kangaskoski Power Plant in Hiitolanjoki River

Kangaskoskentie 184
56800 Rautjärvi

Etelä-Karjalan virkistysaluesäätiö +358 40 732 4670

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Hiitolanjoki is a border river, of which 8-9 km are located in Rautjärvi.
Kangaskoski itself is the lowest rapid on the Finnish side of the Hiitolanjoki River, about a kilometre from the Russian border. The dam at Kangaskoski had a drop height of about 4 meters and generated an average of 3,300 MWh of electricity per year.

The industrial phase at Kangaskoski lasted over a hundred years. In the early 1900s, after the pulp mill and paper factory faced export difficulties, Aktiebolaget Simpele, a predecessor of United Paper Mills, bought Kangaskoski and the Syrjäkoski site across the border for power production. The Kangaskoski hydroelectric plant, designed by Hugo Eklund and built by Suomen Rakennus Oy, was completed in 1925.

The production at the Kangaskoski power plant ceased in the summer of 2021, after which the dam was dismantled and the rapids restored for migratory fish.

Kangaskoski’s old hydropower plant is located near Road 6.
There is a parking area in the yard of the power plant, from where you can access the landscape path. The trail has stairs and climbs, so it requires good basic condition.
Some of the paths and tables around the power plant are accessible. There is a new dry toilet next to the parking area.

The entrance is free.

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