Hiitolanjoki Scenic Trail
Ritakoskentie 21
56800 Rautjärvi
Etelä-Karjalan virkistysaluesäätiö +358 40 732 4670 virkistysaluesaatio@ekarjala.fi
Visit websiteThe Hiitolanjoki landscape path can be reached either from the Ritakoski power plant or from the parking area of the Lahnasenkoski power plant. Part of the route runs along the river and part in the woods. There are also boardwalks along the route. On the opposite shore of the Lahnasenkoski power plant there is a barbecue shed and an outdoor toilet. There are some ups and downs along the route, as well as stairs. The scenic trail is great for families and novice hikers. It’s moderately demanding. The area is owned by the South Karelian Recreation Area Foundation. Free.