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Glamping in Tohmajärvi

Jouhkolantie 219
82600 Tohmajärvi

Itärajan Helmi +358 44 7444 070 Visit website

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Itärajan Helmi offers inventive accommodation for adventure and nature tourism in North Karelia in Tohmajärvi.

The glamping tent is round in shape and its diameter is 5m, so the whole family can easily fit in the tent.

The tent has two frame mattress beds, bedside tables, a carpet, a clothes rack and a table and two chairs. We use domestic high-quality Finlayson bedding and towels.

Parents can sleep comfortably in the beds. There is room for children on the floor, but please bring your own mattresses and sleeping bags. The glamping tent is also ideal for grandparents traveling with their grandchildren.

Bed and Breakfast price includes a rich breakfast throughout the summer!

Children’s stay is free if accompanied by two adults.

Children breakfast & dinner for extra price.

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