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Heart of Lake Saimaa Luxury cruise

Tienpolvi 8
57710 Savonlinna

LP Management Oy - Vip Cruise +358503682287 Visit website

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Heart of lake Saimaa – enjoy a safe luxury vacation in Finland Lake Saimaa!

Located in Finland, and shaped by moving ice thousands of years ago, Saimaa offers an amazing site for unique cruise experiences on board of a luxury steamer yacht that is one of a kind.

During these unusual times, your health and safety are of utmost importance to us. Therefore, we welcome you to enjoy your exclusive nature experience in a bubble of your own. All the necessary tests and precautions are taken care of and included in the package.

Your travels back and forth are organized by us including a private jet from your convenient location to Savonlinna airport and private transport from the airport to the yacht.

We look forward to seeing on you board!

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