Limited availability | Experience

Skiing and snowshoeing

Juvantie 13
51900 Juva

Juvan kunta +358 400 761 944

Visit website

Juva has plenty of ski trails which are kept in good skiing shape. The trails are accessible from the city center, Hasamäki, and towns.

Juva has an extensive amount of versatile ski trails. The routes can be accessed for example from the city center, Kuosmala, Kaislajärvi, and Hasamäki. Lighted ski trails can be found from the center, Lauteala, Koikkala and Kaislajärvi.

Kaislajärvi and Kuosmala tracks
Ski trails in good condition in a fabulous landscape.

Kaislajärvi tracks
Heretinlenkki route 11,4 km.

Ski trails map service Latukartta
You can check the condition of the ski tracks in real time from the Latukartta service. (in Finnish). You can download the app for Android phones from Google Play store. Most of the ski tracks of Juva have been added to map service.

Snowshoeing in Itäsuo or Hasamäki
Itäsuo near the built-up area of Juva has a snowshoeing area. Snowshoeing is also possible in Hasa Juva Ski Resort where snowshoes are also available for rent. The ski resort’s website offers more information.

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