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Self-directed Vacation in Pajulahti Olympic and Paralympic Training Center, Lahti

Pajulahdentie 167
15560 Lahti

Liikuntakeskus Pajulahti 044 7755 313 asiakaspalvelu@pajulahti.com Visit website

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Come to Pajulahti and join in the fun! We are the people who keep you moving. There are various options to spend active, but also relaxing holidays in Pajulahti, for people of all ages. In our large range of activities you are sure to find the perfect one for you or your group.

Experience clean and fresh nature on kilometers of marked trails, rent a kayak or a canoe and enjoy the lakeside.

Wintertime invites you cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, iceskating or ice fishing on the frozen lake.

Pajulahti unique lakeside saunas are perfect places to relax, unwind and enjoy the view.

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