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Rautvuori trail – short circular route, Heinola

Ala-Räävelintie 98
18300 Heinola

Visit Lahti - LFT Lakeland Finland Tours +358207281760

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The Rautvuori trail is located north of Heinola, in Ala-Rääveli. The moderately difficult trail runs along a rock formation, which is about one kilometer long and offers significant scenic views, extending in an east-west direction. The area’s value is enhanced by its endangered species. The steep slope to the south rises approximately 50 meters. At the base of the cliff, there is a striking weathered rock scree and a rocky forest floor, where hazel shrubs and young elm trees grow, among other plants. Close to the trail is the congregation’s “Place of Silence,” designed for contemplation, listening to nature, reflecting on creation and existence, and prayer. From the parking area, a connecting trail leads to Sulkavankoski, continuing on to Tornimäki, Karhulampi, and then to Latumaja.

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