Limited availability | Attraction

Rautjärvi Cycling Route

Maivalantie 1142
51780 Juva

Juvan kunta +358400761944

Visit website

The new Juva cycling route for summer 2023 offers the best: mounding, living countryside, manor landscapes, a sense of history and the atmosphere of a relaxed summer’s day.

The Rautjärvi cycling route is a 30-kilometre long ring route through beautiful cultural landscapes. About 20 km of the total length of the route is on gravel roads, and about 10 km is on asphalt. The entire route is marked with temporary signs.

Along this varied route, you will discover the manor landscapes of Inkilä, Tietti and Loukio and cycle through the beautiful village of Maivala. The sections along the Old Juvantie and Nuutilanmäentie are part of the centuries-old Great Savo Road. Ponds and lakes dot the route, and a few rapids are crossed along the way.

The Rautjärvi cycling route has many places to visit and sights to see, summer cafés, fireplaces and beaches. If you wish, you can try fishing in the Rävykoski rapids fishing area, hire a canoe from Siikakoski and make a canoe trip to the Saimaa Luonteri. You can also stay for a night or even longer along the route, as accommodation ranging from summer cottages to apartment accommodation is available in the surrounding area.

Equipment rental:

Kayak and canoe sale and rental Mikkeli.
Hybrid bicycles, watercraft, transport services.
+358 50 372 3848

Juva Camping
Juva Juva Juva: bicycles, watercraft, transport services.
+358 15 451 930

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