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Pikku Peura´s Wilderness Campfire Picnic

Kinnulantie 695
69450 Lestijärvi

Riistaravintola Pikku Peura +358505141001 pikkupeura@kotinet.com Visit website

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Pikku Peura’s evening campfire dinner for two includes cold-smoked game bread, smoked reindeer pie, small salad, apple juice, sweet pastry and coffee for making pot coffee in your own thermos or soot pan. Picnic basket is available for pickup at Pikku Peura Restaurant on a tour of Lake Valkeinen, a trip to Peura trail, Salamajärvi nationalpark or Karkausmäen Kammari’s shed.
Bookings 24 hours before pick up.
You will also get a map of the Peura path hiking route and tips for the best campfire spots to enjoy snacks!

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