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Local Food serves in Restaurant Talli in Mikkeli

Patteristonkatu 2
50100 Mikkeli

Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy, Xamkin ravintolapalvelut +358 15 355 7419

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In Restaurant Talli you enjoy finnish dining experiences.

Restaurant Talli is as well the traditionally dignified restaurant as the place for imaginary theme partys. On the menus you can find several tasty dishes for every seasons. We take care of serving best finnish local and organic food every day.

In 2004 the old horse stall rebuilt as an unique and modern restaurant. Our rooms are excellent place for your meetings, family celebrations, dinners and Christmas parties. Events, meetings and private occations will arrange in our restaurant hall and cabinets. The serving is always suitable for your wishes and according your event.

You are welcome to spend good time and tasty dishes in Restaurant Talli!

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