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Lehmusreitti – an urban nature trail, Lahti

Satamakatu 7
15140 Lahti

Visit Lahti - LFT Lakeland Finland Tours +358207281760 sales@lahtiregion.fi

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Lehmusreitti (Tilia Trail) is an urban nature trail, which goes around the centre of Lahti, never veering more than two kilometres from the central market square.

The trail runs through pine and spruce forests, lush broad leaf woodlands, parks and lookout spots on the cliff tops, allowing the hiker to experience nature while staying close to the services of the city. A part of the trail follows the lakefront of Vesijärvi, and there are also cultural heritage sites along the trail. The trail takes you to numerous interesting sites, such as the picturesque Häränsilmä kettle pond and Radiomäki Hill on I Salpausselkä. The trail is about 13 km in length and marked on trees and poles with linden leave signs. The street parts between the nature attractions remain short. In places the trail can be followed by bicycle.

Interesting sites along the trail: Vesijärvi (Lake Vesijärvi), Teivaanmäki ja Häränsilmä (slope and kettle pond of I Salpausselkä), Radiomäki (Radiomäki Hill), Kaupungintalo (The City Hall) and Lotilanharju (steep-sided part of I Salpaussselkä), Metelinmäki and Mustankallionmäki (rocky hills with outcrops), Vesteråsinpuisto (Vesterås Park), Niemenkalliot (cliffs) – Kariniemi and Lanupuisto (park with sculptures of Olavi Lanu)

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