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International Woolsock Run Finnish Championship

Opintie 2
35300 Orivesi

Eräjärven Kehittämisyhdistys Eky +358 50 077 3015 Visit website

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Join the year’s funniest event!

Every year, the woolsock running championship games are held in Orivesi, Finland. There are several different series in the competition for both adults and children, and the event is a real goodwill event for the whole family. Come and participate in the championships!


Women’s and Men’s races: 3 km, 6 km or 9 km for women and men, 3 km for young. We run the route in the forest for one, two or three laps. Start and finish are on the sports field. The best three will be awarded.

Children’s race: We run a 200 meters long route on the sports field. Children are divided into a few categories based on year of birth.

Team race for 4 people: Implemented as relay race. Approx. 200 meters / person on a sports field. In addition to the three fastest teams, the best-dressed team will be awarded in the competition.

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