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Finnish Christmas on the shore of Lake Päijänne

Piililäntie 71
41630 Jyväskylä

Nukula 0407038136 Visit website

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You are our special Christmas quest, one family member to us. We spend time together telling stories, relaxing, enjoying food, free time, and activities too to name a few.
Arrival on the eve of Christmas Eve around 1pm. You come bring a Christmas tree from the forest with us. You decorate with us, the tree, the house, and some cookies too. You bake and cook with us. After our shared dinner the evening is reserved for stories. There will be an early night for everyone!
After an early breakfast you have the Christmas sauna to clear yourself for the great Holy Day.. At noon at 12 o’clock sharp is the time for the Declaration of Christmas Peace. Now we’ll enjoy Christmas porridge for lunch and coffee. A festive Christmas Eve dinner will be enjoyed together. Santa Claus will visit us during the evening.
On Christmas Day, you can sleep late or attend a Christmas Day service (Evangelical Lutheran) in the Toivakka church. Christmas Day is for spending time together or alone, enjoying silence, being present in the moment, reading, or writing Christmas letters, to name a few. We’ll enjoy the meals when our stomachs encourage us to do so.
Since the time of our ancestors, Boxing Day, following Christmas spent quietly with the family, has been a day for having fun and the merriment has already begun early in the morning. You can go kick sledging, have a snowball fight, or take a walk in the forest with us. In the afternoon, it’ll be time to say goodbye.

Please take note that our exact postal code address is 41630 ORAVASAARI. (We are located at the border line of City of Jyväskylä and Toivakka.)

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