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Exhibition of Prehistoric Suomussalmi

Jalonkaarre 3-5
89600 Suomussalmi

Visit Suomussalmi +358447773250 visit@suomussalmi.fi

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Exhibition of Prehistoric Suomussalmi is located in Jalonniemi-house, at Lounaskahvila-konditoria Herkkusuu.

At the exhibition you can find numerous prehistory artefacts such as items of jewelry, casting moulds, stone axeheads, adzes, flint and slate arrowheads, quartz scrapers, tools from the Iron Age and the entire contents of the cremation grave found at Peranka.

Suomussalmi has been inhabited for no less than 10,000 years! One of the oldest known site of human settlement in Finland after the last Ice Age is to be found in the island of Old Kirkkosaari. The northern-most large-scale site of rock paintingsin Finland can be found in Hossa. These are known as the Värikallio paintings and a giant 6 metres by 3 metres photograph of the site is on display in the exhibition.

The exhibition has a free entry and it is open during Lounaskahvila-konditoria Herkkusuu’s opening hours.

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