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Kulttuuritalo Virta

Virastokatu 1
55100 Imatra

Imatra +35840 5566 629 juha.leskinen@imatra.fi

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Kulttuuritalo Virta is a unique combination of cultural services, from which everyone can find the one they like best.

Both the classics and the novelties can be found in the extensive material of the Imatra City Library. At the Art Museum, you can enjoy high-quality changing exhibitions as well as the museum’s own, nationally significant collection. The City Museum, on the other hand, presents the stages of the Imatra region and the parish of Jääske, and its considerable collection of photographs contains treasures of history.

Virta College is responsible for free cultural work and art education. The college provides a wide range of basic art education in Imatra and its surrounding areas, as well as the opportunity to study arts, crafts, languages ​​and general education.

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