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Salamajärvi National Park

Koirasalmentie 1220
43800 Kivijärvi

Metsähallitus Luontopalvelut +35820 6395270 sisasuomi@metsa.fi

Visit website

Follow in the hoofprints of wild forest reindeer on the Peuran Polku Trail. You might even spot some of these rare animals. The park’s varied wild scenery includes rockstrewn pinewoods, open bogs and lakes full of tasty fish. Use the facilities at Koirasalmi as a base for exploring the wilds.

In nature conservation areas, everyman’s rights do not apply in the normal way. Please always check the rules of the destination before making your trip. National parks are nature reserves, whose key task is to safeguard biodiversity and enable people to enjoy and relax in nature on the terms of nature conservation.
All national parks in Finland are managed by Metsähallitus.