Available all year | Eat & Drink

Restaurant Herranen

Herrasentie 16
34800 Virrat

Nuorisokeskus Marttinen +358 3 485 1900 myynti@marttinen.fi

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The Marttinen youth centre offers meals for groups in the dining hall of the main building or in the meeting rooms. In addition to these, we can serve meals in the Old Vicarage, the Antintalo restaurant (open by request), and the new Vihtasauna and sauna section. You can get more information about these as well as sample menus, from the conference and function facilities.

The Marttinen coffee shop is in the main building next to the reception. You can pop into the coffee shop for a cup of coffee, even if you are just walking past.

The smell of fresh buns floats through the main building every morning, when our kitchen bakes delicious house buns for the coffee shop.

Our kitchen has been praised for its delicious food. We operate as a restaurant that is open by request, and you can book group meals with us.

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