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Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna, Hämeenlinna

Possentie 7
13200 Hämeenlinna

Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna +358 20 123 4636 vaakuna.hameenlinna@sokoshotels.fi Visit website

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Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna is being renewed and the hotel will be closed from 1 December 2024. All the facilities of the hotel will be renovated. The hotel will reopen in the summer of 2025.

Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna, Hämeenlinna – The happiest lake hotel in Finland!

Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna has a strong sense of authenticity, happiness, joy and relaxation. This hotel is a “happy people’s hotel and restaurant by the lake”.
The hotel offers you the opportunity to relax by the Vanajavesi lake, cycle or walk a beach route with a fantastic view, or perhaps go canoeing to enjoy the wonderful nature. In winter, the lakeview will take your breath away. In summer, you can feel a refreshing gust of wind from the lake on our terrace, just a railing’s length from the lake.

The hotel’s unique restaurant is called Le Blason. It is French for a coat-of-arms – Vaakuna, the hotel’s name in Finnish. The restaurant is strongly committed to high-quality ingredients, honest flavours and dining together.

Welcome to the happy Sokos Hotel Vaakuna in Hämeenlinna!

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