Tampere Region
Total: 173
Product name | Location | Type | Categories | Contact | Webshop | Website | Description |
de: Kunstzentrum Kangasala
en: Kangasala Arts Centre
Kangasala | Attraction | Music, Creative arts, Events & Festivals, Meeting venue |
Kangasala Arts Centre +358 40 773 0148 info@kangasala-talo.fi |
de: Das Kunstzentrum Kangasala bringt Kunst in all ihr...
en: The Kangasala Arts Centre brings art in all its fo...
en: Siipiweikot Tampere City Center
de: Siipiweikot Tampere Stadtzentrum
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Local Food, Restaurant, Fast Food |
Hot Wings Oy +358 3 212 9394 palaute@siipiweikot.fi |
en: Aleksanterinkatu 26 is the first, original “Wing...
de: In der Aleksanterinkatu 26 ist das erste, ursprün...
en: UNITY Tampere Trikootehdas, Accommodation
de: UNITY Tampere Trikootehdas, Unterkunft
Tampere | Accommodation | Hotels, Bed & Breakfast |
UNITY Finland + 358 20 778 9825 reservations.tampere@unity-living.com |
en: UNITY Tampere Trikootehdas
Before, socks and knit...
de: UNITY Tampere Trikootehdas. Die neue Art zu leben ...
en: Paijala Beach
Ylöjärvi | Attraction | Children's Attraction, Swimming |
Visit Ylöjärvi +358 3 5653 0000 kirjaamo@ylojarvi.fi |
en: Paijala beach is a small but beautiful sandy beach...
en: Ikuri Arcade
de: Arkade Ikuri
Tampere | Attraction | Other indoor activities, Other Activity |
Ikuri Arcade +358 40 374 7093 ikuri.arcade@hotmail.com |
en: Ikuri Arcade is a large game room with pinball mac...
de: Die Arkade Ikuri ist ein großer Spielsaal mit Fli...
en: Aseman Kahvila – A Cozy Cafeteria in Tampere Railway Station
de: Aseman Kahvila - Eine gemütliche Cafeteria im Bahnhof von Tampere
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Café |
Aseman Kahvila +358 50 533 5033 asemankahvilatre@gmail.com |
en: Aseman Kahvila is a cozy and relaxed café in the ...
de: Das Aseman Kahvila ist ein gemütliches Café zum ...
en: Restaurant Maranga
de: Restaurant Maranga
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Restaurant, Vegetarian/Vegan |
Maranga +358 50 362 3435 info@maranga.fi |
en: Maranga offers authentic flavors from Southern Eur...
de: Das Maranga bietet authentische Aromen aus Südeur...
en: Dream Hostel & Hotel
de: Dream Hostel & Hotel
Tampere | Accommodation | Hotels |
Dream Hostel & Hotel +358 45 236 0517 info@dreamhostel.fi |
en: Playful, cozy, internationally recognized design h...
de: Verspieltes, gemütliches, international anerkannt...
en: Mannakorven Kahvila
Kangasala | Eat & Drink | Café, Lunch & brunch |
Linkosuon Kahvilat oy +358 20 770 2487 mannakorvenkahvila@linkosuo.fi |
en: Kilos of well-known crispy skewers, as well as del...
en: Hotel Kauppi, Tampere
de: Hotel Kauppi, Tampere
Tampere | Accommodation | Hotels |
Hotelli Kauppi +358 3 253 5353 kauppi@avainhotellit.fi |
en: Hotel Kauppi is a private owned hotel situated in ...
de: Das Hotel Kauppi ist ein privat geführtes Hotel i...
en: Hiekka Art Museum
de: Kunstmuseum Hiekka
Tampere | Attraction | Museums & Galleries |
Hiekka Art Museum +358 50 523 7251 kustaa@hiekantaidemuseo.fi |
en: Hiekka Art Museum is the oldest private museum in ...
de: Das Kunstmuseum Hiekka ist das älteste private Mu...
en: Apianlahti Beach
Valkeakoski | Attraction | Swimming, Water activity & cruises |
Valkeakoski Matkailu +358 40 335 6813 liikunta@valkeakoski.fi |
en: Apianlahti beach is located next to the Valkeakosk...
en: Ilola Farmhouse Accommodation
de: Unterkunft Bauernhof Ilola
Valkeakoski | Accommodation | Bed & Breakfast, Animal Parks & Farms |
Ilolan maatilamatkailu ja ratsastuskoulu +358 40 596 8027 info@ilolanmaatila.fi |
en: Accommodation in a farmhouse with animals and farm...
de: Unterkunft in einem Bauernhaus mit Tieren und Land...
en: Restaurant Frenckell & Piha
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Café, Restaurant, Lunch & brunch |
Juvenes oy +358 20 760 0358 frenckell@juvenes.fi |
en: Restaurant Frenckell & Piha is an urban and atmosp...
en: Kuru Open Air Museum and Ensign Stål’s Cabin
Ylöjärvi | Attraction | Cultural Heritage, Family activity, Museums & Galleries, Historical Sites |
Visit Ylöjärvi +358 3 5653 0000 kirjaamo@ylojarvi.fi |
en: Kuru Open Air Museum is open in summer. Its main a...
en: Toivolansaari Camping
Ikaalinen | Accommodation | Private sauna, Sauna, Camping |
Mökkiavain Cottage Holidays +358 44 730 1228 kylpylakaupunki@ikaalinen.fi |
en: Toivolansaari Camping is located in an ideal islan...
en: Mökkiavain Cottage Holidays
de: Ferienhausurlaub Mökkiavain
Ikaalinen | Accommodation | Cottages & Villas, Camping |
Mökkiavain Cottage Holidays +358 44 730 1223 teija.salonen@ikaalinen.fi |
en: Our private lakeside cottages, holiday apartments ...
de: Unsere privaten Ferienhäuser, Ferienwohnungen und...
en: Viinikka Church
Tampere | Attraction | Architecture, Cultural Heritage, History |
Tampereen Evankelis-Luterilainen Seurakuntayhtymä +358 50 371 7449 viestinta@evl.fi |
en: Viinikka Church is an Evangelical Lutheran Church ...
en: Car Rental, Rent Center
de: Autovermietung, Rent Center
Tampere | Rental service | Transportation |
RentCenter Tampere Oy +358 3 260 6500 toimisto@rentcenter.fi |
en: Car rental in Tampere or Tampere airport. New and ...
de: Autovermietung in Tampere oder am Flughafen Tamper...
en: Finlayson 200 – A Factory That Became a Brand
Tampere | Attraction | Museums & Galleries |
Tampereen kaupunki/City of Tampere +358 3 5656 6966 vapriikki@tampere.fi |
en: The ‘Finlayson 200’ exhibition presents the de...
en: Summer Cafe Tönö
de: Sommercafé Tönö
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Café |
Kesäkahvila Tönö +358 44 047 8124 tonokahvila@gmail.com |
en: Tönö is a summer café located in Tampere's Etel...
de: Das Tönö ist ein Sommercafé im Park Eteläpuist...
en: Härmälä Nature Trail
Tampere | Attraction | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Lakes, Forests, Natural Site |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: Along the Härmälä nature trail by the shores of...
en: B&B Kommee Kurki in the Countryside of Sastamala, Tampere Region
de: B&B Kommee Kurki befindet sich auf dem Land, in der Nähe von Sastamala, Region Tampere
Sastamala | Accommodation | LGBTQ, Cottages & Villas, Pet Friendly, Bed & Breakfast |
Kommee Kurki +358 50 378 9208 info@kommeekurki.fi |
en: Here you can live like a Finn! Kommee Kurki is a h...
de: Hier können Sie leben wie ein Finne! Kommee Kurki...
de: Touren und Kurse im Kajak oder Kanu in Tampere
en: Kayak and Canoe Tours and Courses in Tampere
Tampere | Experience | Lakes, Paddling & Rafting, Family activity, Water activity & cruises, Private Experience |
Hiking Travel, Hit +358 40 745 7803 tapio.tyllila@hikingtravelhit.fi |
de: Wir organisieren während der Freiwassersaison sow...
en: We organize both kayak and canoe tours and courses...
en: Roof Walk Finlayson Area
de: Dachspaziergang Finlayson-Areal
Tampere | Experience | Other Activity, Other attraction |
Amazing City Oy +358 44 978 6742 roofwalk@amazingcity.fi |
en: An experience on the rooftops!
Roof Walk is a uni...
de: Erleben Sie die Stadt über den Dächern!
Ein Ro...
de: Museumszentrum Vapriikki
en: Museum Centre Vapriikki
Tampere | Attraction | Local Products, Cultural Heritage, Events & Festivals, History, Museums & Galleries |
Tampereen kaupunki/City of Tampere +358 3 5656 6966 vapriikki@tampere.fi |
Vapriikki liegt malerisch an den Stromschnellen ...
en: With a picturesque location beside the Tammerkoski...
en: Pyynikki Summer Theatre
de: Sommertheater Pyynikki
Tampere | Experience | Creative arts, Event venue, Theater, Events & Festivals, Other performance arts |
Pyynikin kesäteatteri +358 10 229 2111 myyntipalvelu@pyynikinkesateatteri.fi |
en: Pyynikki Summer Theatre is a unique outdoor theatr...
de: Das Sommertheater Pyynikki ist ein einzigartiges F...
en: Photographic Centre Nykyaika
Tampere | Attraction | Museums & Galleries |
Valokuvakeskus Nykyaika +358 50 441 2040 galleria.nykyaika@backlight.fi |
en: Photographic Centre Nykyaika is an exhibition spac...
en: Kuttuniska Trail
Ylöjärvi | Attraction | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Forests, Family activity |
Visit Ylöjärvi +358 3 5653 0000 kirjaamo@ylojarvi.fi |
en: Kuttuniska trail can be found in Kuru (Ylöjärvi)...
de: Art Hotel Honkahovi
en: ArtHotel Honkahovi
Mänttä-Vilppula | Accommodation | Architecture, Hotels |
Mäntän Klubi Oy +358 3 474 7005 info@klubin.fi |
de: Das Art Hotel Honkahovi ist ein gediegenes Hotel u...
en: ArtHotel Honkahovi is a high-quality hotel and res...
en: Hervanta Church
Tampere | Attraction | Architecture, Cultural Heritage, Finnish Design, History |
Tampereen Evankelis-Luterilainen Seurakuntayhtymä +358 50 599 7335 viestinta@evl.fi |
en: Hervanta Evangelical Lutheran Parish was establish...
en: Mänttä Club
Mänttä-Vilppula | Accommodation | Hotels, Private restaurant, Vegetarian/Vegan |
Mäntän Klubi Oy +358 3 474 5900 info@klubin.fi |
en: Mänttä Club provides accommodation, a custom res...
en: Osmonpuisto Playground
Tampere | Attraction | Children's Attraction, Family activity |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: Osmonpuisto playground situated by Tammelan Puisto...
en: Vaakonpuisto park
Tampere | Attraction | Family activity, Parks & Gardens, Disc golf |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: Vaakonpuisto park is located between Epilä and Ka...
en: Ikanema Beach Bar
Ikaalinen | Eat & Drink | Bars & Nightlife |
Ikaalinen Spa & Resort +358 3 4511 myynti@ikaalinenspa.fi |
en: Ikanema is a beach bar situated at the shore of la...
en: Take a Break and Relax for a While in a Quiet Natural Setting
Parkano | Experience | Wellbeing from Nature, Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Nature Excursion, Silence Program |
Kintukka Nature and recreation services +358 50 391 2010 hannu.raitio@me.com |
en: Take a break from it all and pause to relax in the...
en: Camping & Caravan in Tampere Camping Härmälä
de: Camping & Wohnwagen in Tampere Camping Härmälä
Tampere | Accommodation | Camping |
Tampere Camping Härmälä +358 20 719 9777 harmala@suomicamping.fi |
en: Camping in the middle of the city? In Härmälä C...
de: Zelten mitten in der Stadt? In Härmälä Camping ...
en: Mysteries of a Primeval Forest
Ikaalinen | Experience | Wellbeing from Nature, Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Forests, Nature Excursion, Guided Service |
Kintukka Nature and recreation services +358 50 391 2010 hannu.raitio@me.com |
en: By visiting a primeval forest, a natural gym for t...
en: Explore Peatlands
Parkano | Experience | Wellbeing from Nature, Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Forests, Nature Excursion, Guided Service |
Kintukka Nature and recreation services +358 50 391 2010 hannu.raitio@me.com |
en: Peatlands have been mysterious places and the subj...
en: Sorsapuisto Playground
Tampere | Attraction | Children's Attraction, Family activity |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: Enclosed space has different areas for younger and...
en: Jylhänkoski Waterfall
Ylöjärvi | Attraction | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Forests, Natural Site |
Visit Ylöjärvi +358 3 5653 0000 kirjaamo@ylojarvi.fi |
en: We have our very own Niagara Falls, only the scale...
en: Ideapark Lempäälä
de: Ideapark Lempäälä
Lempäälä | Shopping | Shopping Center |
Ideapark Lempäälä +358 2 9090 2014 info@ideapark.fi |
en: Ideapark Lempäälä is a shopping centre that pro...
de: Der Ideapark Lempäälä ist ein Einkaufszentrum, ...
en: La Rambla
de: La Rambla
Ikaalinen | Eat & Drink | Local Food, Restaurant, Fast Food |
Ikaalinen Spa & Resort +358 3 4511 myynti@ikaalinenspa.fi |
en: Cool vibes in our lobby bar street food restaurant...
de: Coole Vibes in unserer Lobby-Bar, dem Streetfood-R...
en: Main Library Metso
Tampere | Attraction | Architecture, Cultural Heritage |
Visit Tampere +358 3 565 611 tampereen.kaupunginkirjasto@tampere.fi |
en: Main library Metso is located in the corner of Hä...
en: Siipiweikot Mini Prisma Pirkkala
Pirkkala | Eat & Drink | Local Food, Vegetarian/Vegan, Fast Food |
Hot Wings Oy - palaute@siipiweikot.fi |
en: Siipiweikot Mini Prisma Pirkkala is a Siipiweikot ...
en: Taidepappila Art Center
de: Art Center Taidepappila
Kangasala | Attraction | Creative arts, Cultural Heritage, Museums & Galleries, History |
Keramiikkastudio T.Luoto +358 41 473 6114 aaron.helo@gmail.com |
en: Taidepappila Art Center was born in 1971, when a y...
de: Das Art Center Taidepappila entstand 1971, als der...
en: Tahmela’s Villa Café
de: Tahmela's Villa Café
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Café, Lunch & brunch, Vegetarian/Vegan |
Tahmelan Huvila +358 44 244 3729 tahmelanhuvila@gmail.com |
en: Tahmela’s Villa, a late 19th century beauty on t...
de: Tahmela's Villa, eine Schönheit aus dem späten 1...
en: Vaakkolammi Nature Reserve
Tampere | Attraction | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Natural Site, Nature Excursion, Parks & Gardens |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: The Vaakkolammi-Likokallio nature reserve is locat...
en: Satukurki Cabin in the Countryside, Tampere Region
Sastamala | Accommodation | LGBTQ, Cottages & Villas, Pet Friendly |
Kommee Kurki +358 50 378 9208 info@kommeekurki.fi |
en: Would it be nice to stay overnight like in a big p...
en: Restaurant Rosso
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Restaurant, Lunch & brunch, Fast Food |
Original Sokos Hotel Ilves +358 10 787 0053 rosso.ilves@sok.fi |
en: Delicious pizzas and pastas, steaks and salads. Fa...
en: Galleria Saskia
de: Galerie Saskia
Tampere | Attraction | Events & Festivals, Museums & Galleries |
Galleria Saskia +358 3 223 0812 galleria@tampereensaskiat.com |
en: Galleria Saskia is an art gallery which produces 1...
de: Die Galerie Saskia ist eine Kunstgalerie, die 13 A...
en: The Natural History Museum
Tampere | Attraction | Museums & Galleries |
Tampereen kaupunki/City of Tampere +358 3 5656 6966 vapriikki@tampere.fi |
en: History of life and biological diversity in the Ta...
en: Tittytumpkin’s Fairytale Park and Playground
Tampere | Attraction | Children's Attraction, Family activity, Parks & Gardens |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: Based on poems by Kirsi Kunnas, this theme playgro...
en: Pispala Church
Tampere | Attraction | Architecture, Cultural Heritage, History |
Tampereen Evankelis-Luterilainen Seurakuntayhtymä +358 50 320 6331 viestinta@evl.fi |
en: When the wooden church in Pispala burned down in 1...
en: Plevna Beer Shop
Tampere | Shopping | Artisan, Local Products, Breweries & Distilleries, Souvenirs |
Panimoravintola Plevna +358 3 260 1200 myynti@plevna.fi |
en: Now you can buy our brewery products from our beer...
en: Iloisen Pojan Street Food Bar
de: Iloisen Pojan Street Food Bar
Ylöjärvi | Eat & Drink | Local Food, Restaurant, Lunch & brunch, Vegetarian/Vegan, Fast Food |
Iloisen Pojan Street Food Bar +358 400 540 692 iloisenpojan@gmail.com |
en: Iloisen Pojan Street Food bar is a cosy restaurant...
de: Die Iloisen Pojan Street Food Bar ist ein gemütli...
de: Restaurant Siipiweikot Tampella
en: Siipiweikot Tampella
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Local Food, Restaurant, Vegetarian/Vegan, Fast Food |
Hot Wings Oy +358 50 472 7631 palaute@siipiweikot.fi |
de: Das zweite Siipiweikot-Restaurant wurde im Frühja...
en: Second Siipiweikot restaurant opened in Tampere in...
en: Youth Centre Marttinen Accommodation
de: Jugendzentrum Marttinen – Unterkunft
Virrat | Accommodation | Cottages & Villas, Bed & Breakfast |
Nuorisokeskus Marttinen +358 3 485 1900 myynti@marttinen.fi |
en: At the Youth Centre Marttinen, a good night’s sl...
de: Im Jugendzentrum Marttinen ist für alle Arten von...
en: Tampere Bus Station
Tampere | Attraction | Architecture |
Visit Tampere +358 20 710 5340 matkapalvelut.tampere@matkahuolto.fi |
en: Tampere bus station is a passenger terminal in Tam...
en: Hatanpää Mansion Cafe & Boutique / Festive Premises
de: Villa Hatanpää Café & Boutique / Festliche Räumlichkeiten
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Event venue, Café, Meeting venue |
Juvenes oy +358 20 760 0354 saarni@juvenes.fi |
en: Hatanpää Mansion is located on the shore of Lake...
de: Die Villa Hatanpää liegt am Ufer des Pyhäjärvi...
en: Tampere - Virrat - Tampere by Steamboat
Tampere | Experience | Cruises & Ferries, Specialty accommodation, Local Food, Boating & Sailing |
Hopealinjat +358 10 422 5600 asiakaspalvelu@hopealinja.fi |
en: This route is operated by s/s Tarjanne, a veritabl...
en: Restaurant Näsinneula
de: Restaurant Näsinneula
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Fine Dining, Local Food, Restaurant |
Särkänniemi +358 20 713 0200 asiakaspalvelu@sarkanniemi.fi |
en: Restaurant Näsinneula located on top of Näsinneu...
de: Im Restaurant Näsinneula auf dem Näsinneula-Auss...
en: Accommodation Vehkaniemi
Mänttä-Vilppula | Accommodation | Bed & Breakfast |
Vehkaniemen Loma- ja juhlatila +358 50 520 6451 info@vehkaniemi.fi |
en: Old Side Building Family Rooms:
The Larger Family...
en: Tammela Stadium
Tampere | Attraction | Sports |
Visit Tampere +358 40 801 6077 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: Tammela Stadium is an atmospheric football stadium...
en: Tampere Sauna Tour
de: Tampere Sauna Tour
Tampere | Experience | Private sauna, Sauna, Wellbeing from Nature, Water activity & cruises, Guided Service |
Saunakonkeli +358 44 338 8341 info@saunakonkeli.com |
en: Tampere region has an exceptional sauna culture wi...
de: Die Region Tampere hat eine außergewöhnliche Sau...
en: Gallery Himmelblau
de: Galerie Himmelblau
Tampere | Attraction | Creative arts, Pet Friendly, Museums & Galleries |
Grafiikanpaja Himmelblau +358 500 625 564 pertti.ketonen@himmelblau.fi |
en: One of the biggest art galleries in Finland shows ...
de: Eine der größten Kunstgalerien Finnlands zeigt d...
en: Breather in a Private Tree Tentsile
Sastamala | Experience | LGBTQ, Wellbeing from Nature, Nature Excursion, Day Trip |
Kommee Kurki +358 50 378 9208 info@kommeekurki.fi |
en: Have a restful own moment with your feet off the g...
en: Vuores Koukkujärvi Nature Trail
Tampere | Attraction | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Forests |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: Koukkujärvi is a small forest lake in Vuores, sur...
en: Halimasjärvi Nature Reserve
Tampere | Attraction | Lakes, Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Natural Site, Forests |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: Located in Tampere, between the districts Atala, K...
en: VuoriCaravan Campsite
de: Campingplatz VuoriCaravan
Sastamala | Accommodation | Camping |
Toivon Velhot Oy +358 45 264 4550 hanna.toivio@outlook.com |
en: Camping in the heart of nature.
We offer full-ser...
de: Camping im Herzen der Natur.
Wir bieten das ganze...
en: Hervantajärvi Nature Trail
Tampere | Attraction | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Natural Site, Forests |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: Around the lake Hervantajärvi there are a few kil...
en: Tampere City Hall
Tampere | Attraction | Architecture, Cultural Heritage, History |
Visit Tampere +358 40 758 1724 erika.mcsherry@tampere.fi |
en: The stunning neo-renaissance style Tampere City Ha...
en: Van Rental, RentCenter
Tampere | Rental service | Transportation |
RentCenter Tampere Oy +358 3 260 6500 toimisto@rentcenter.fi |
en: Van rental in Tampere. Rent a van for removal and ...
en: Courtyard by Marriott Tampere City Hotel Accommodation
de: Courtyard by Marriott Tampere City Hotelunterkunft
Tampere | Accommodation | Hotels |
Courtyard Tampere City Hotel +358 29 357 5700 info@courtyardtamperecity.com |
en: The Courtyard by Marriott Tampere City hotel is a ...
de: Das Courtyard by Marriott Tampere City Hotel ist e...
en: Ilola Farmhouse Traditional Finnish Meals and Accommodation
Valkeakoski | Eat & Drink | Local Food |
Ilolan maatilamatkailu ja ratsastuskoulu +358 40 596 8027 info@ilolanmaatila.fi |
en: At Ilola farm, we raise Aberdeen Angus Cows. We pr...
en: Trees Nature Trail around Lake Veittijärvi
Ylöjärvi | Attraction | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Cycling & Mountain Biking, Forests, Pet Friendly |
Visit Ylöjärvi +358 3 5653 0000 kirjaamo@ylojarvi.fi |
en: The Trees nature trail features information boards...
en: A Trip to the Ancient Seashore at Alkkianvuori
Parkano | Experience | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Nature Excursion, Forests, History, Guided Service |
Kintukka Nature and recreation services +358 50 391 2010 hannu.raitio@me.com |
en: Signs of the last ice age are still visible at Alk...
en: Sara Hildén Art Museum
Tampere | Attraction | Museums & Galleries |
Tampereen kaupunki/City of Tampere +358 3 5654 3500 sara.hilden@tampere.fi |
en: The Sara Hildén Art Museum focuses on internation...
en: Aro Beach
Ylöjärvi | Attraction | Children's Attraction, Swimming |
Visit Ylöjärvi +358 3 5653 0000 kirjaamo@ylojarvi.fi |
en: Beatiful beach by the lake Keijärvi with changing...
en: Electric Fatbikes, Ikaalinen Spa & Resort
Ikaalinen | Rental service | Cycling & Mountain Biking |
Ikaalinen Spa & Resort +358 3 4511 myynti@ikaalinenspa.fi |
en: Taking an electric fatbike out on a spin will brin...
en: Hervantajärvi Hiking Area
Tampere | Attraction | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Nature Excursion |
Ekokumppanit Oy +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: The Hervantajärvi area is widely used for walking...
en: The Sauna Meditation Ceremony
Tampere | Experience | Private sauna, Sauna, Yoga & Meditation, Wellness Treatments, Silence Program |
Saunakonkeli +358 44 338 8341 info@saunakonkeli.com |
en: Dive into the alchemy of löyly and learn the prac...
en: Murto Beach
Ylöjärvi | Attraction | Children's Attraction, Swimming |
Visit Ylöjärvi +358 3 5653 0000 kirjaamo@ylojarvi.fi |
en: Murto beach is located next to the beautiful lake ...
en: Lapland Hotels Arena
de: Lappland Hotels Arena
Tampere | Accommodation | Hotels |
Lapland Hotels Arena +358 3 383 0500 arena@laplandhotels.com |
en: Lapland Hotels Arena in the heart of Tampere is pa...
de: Lapland Hotels Arena im Herzen von Tampere wird Te...
en: Tampere - Helsinki Airport Transfer Flight
de: Tampere – Flughafen Helsinki, Transferflug
Tampere | Transportation | Helicopter flights |
Helsinki Citycopter +358 10 200 7950 info@helsinkicitycopter.com |
en: Let us fly you comfortably from the city of Tamper...
de: Lassen Sie sich von uns bequem von Tampere zum Flu...
en: Tallipihan Suklaapuoti Chocolate Shop
de: Pralinenladen Tallipihan Suklaapuoti
Tampere | Shopping | Artisan, Local Products, Souvenirs, Local Food |
Tallipihan Suklaapuoti +358 40 180 7994 suklaapuoti@suklaapuoti.fi |
en: Tallipihan Suklaapuoti is a lovely chocolate shop ...
de: Tallipihan Suklaapuoti ist ein schöner Pralinenla...
en: Dabbal Kitchen & Bar
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Bars & Nightlife, Restaurant |
Lapland Hotels Tampere +358 3 383 0000 tampere@laplandhotels.com |
en: Restaurant Dabbal serves unique tastes of Nordic n...
en: Kangasala Local History Museum
de: Heimatmuseum Kangasala
Kangasala | Attraction | Cultural Heritage, Local Lifestyle, History, Museums & Galleries |
Kangasalan kotiseutumuseo +358 45 233 1123 kangasala.seura@kolumbus.fi |
en: The charming and cozy Kangasala Local History Muse...
de: Das charmante und gemütliche Heimatmuseum Kangasa...
de: Hotelli Ville
en: Hotel Ville
Tampere | Accommodation | Hotels |
Hotelli Ville +358 44 500 2088 info@hotelliville.fi |
de: Das Hotel Ville ist ein preisgünstiges Hotel mit ...
en: Hotel Ville is a self-service hotel located near t...
en: Karhe Beach
Ylöjärvi | Attraction | Children's Attraction, Swimming |
Visit Ylöjärvi +358 3 5653 0000 kirjaamo@ylojarvi.fi |
en: Karhe beach is located in the small village of Kar...
en: Spy Museum
de: Spionagemuseum
Tampere | Attraction | Children's Attraction, Event venue, History, Museums & Galleries |
Vakoilumuseo +358 3 212 3007 spy.museum@vakoilumuseo.fi |
en: The world's first Spy Museum in the heart of Tampe...
de: Das erste Spionagemuseum der Welt im Herzen von Ta...
en: Suolijärvi Beach
Tampere | Attraction | Swimming |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: Suolijärvi beach has changing cubicle, toilet, pi...
en: Villit ja Viinit
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Bars & Nightlife, Local Food, Restaurant, Vegetarian/Vegan |
Kajo +358 50 322 3453 kajo@villitjaviinit.fi |
en: Villit ja Viinit is a relaxed and wild bar/restaur...
de: Einkaufszentrum Koskikeskus
en: Shopping Center Koskikeskus
Tampere | Shopping | Shopping Center |
Koskikeskus +358 50 529 6555 reeta.thure@citycon.com |
de: Koskikeskus, in bester Lage im Stadtzentrum von Ta...
en: Koskikeskus, in the best location in the city cent...
en: Nootti, The Museum of Finnish-Russian Relations
Tampere | Attraction | Museums & Galleries |
Työväenmuseo Werstas /The Finnish Labour Museum Werstas +358 10 420 9222 info@museonootti.fi |
en: Welcome to Nootti, The Museum of Finnish-Russian R...
en: Visavuori Museum - the Home and Studio of Sculptor Emil Wikström
de: Visavuori-Museum - das Haus und Atelier des Bildhauers Emil Wikström
Valkeakoski | Attraction | Creative arts, Architecture, Café, Museums & Galleries, History |
Myllysaaren museo +358 3 543 6528 visavuori@valkeakoski.fi |
en: Visavuori was designed by sculptor Emil Wikström ...
de: Visavuori wurde 1894 von dem Bildhauer Emil Wikstr...
en: Scandic Tampere City
de: Scandic Tampere City
Tampere | Accommodation | Hotels, Pet Friendly, Restaurant |
Scandic Hotels +358 30 030 8431 tamperecity@scandichotels.com |
en: A refurbished hotel right in the centre of Tampere...
de: Ein renoviertes Hotel gleich gegenüber dem Bahnho...
en: Kayak Renting, Längelmäveden Venematkat Oy
de: Kajakmiete und Kajakreise für kleine Gruppen
Orivesi | Rental service | Paddling & Rafting |
Längelmäveden Venematkat oy +358 400 233 746 langelmaveden@venematkat.fi |
en: We rent 1-person kayaks and give guiding to canoei...
de: Wir vermieten 1-Person-Kajaks und wir können sie ...
en: Bicycle rental, Ikaalinen Spa & Resort
Ikaalinen | Rental service | Cycling & Mountain Biking |
Ikaalinen Spa & Resort +358 3 4511 myynti@ikaalinenspa.fi |
en: With our Jopo bicycles, you can go on a comfortabl...
en: Charter Service and Bus Tours from Tampere Area
de: Charterservice und Busreisen in der Region Tampere
Ruovesi | Transportation | Sightseeing & Tours, Day Trip, Bus |
Bussi-Manninen Oy +358 3 486 4700 myynti@bussi-manninen.fi |
en: Jump in the bus and enjoy smooth and comfortable t...
de: Steigen Sie in den Bus und reisen Sie angenehm und...
de: Naturlehrpfad Pyynikki
en: Pyynikki Nature Trail
Tampere | Attraction | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Forests, Natural Site |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
de: Der Grat von Pyyniki ist eine bedeutende geologisc...
en: Pyynikin harju ridge is a significant geological f...
en: Kuusela Beach
Ylöjärvi | Attraction | Children's Attraction, Swimming |
Visit Ylöjärvi +358 3 5653 0000 kirjaamo@ylojarvi.fi |
en: Kuusela beach is located next to the lake Näsijä...
en: Tour Skating Rental Shop
de: Verleih von Touren-Eislaufschuhen
Tampere | Rental service | Ice skating |
Tohlopin luistelurata +358 44 240 9186 info@tohlopinluistelurata.fi |
en: We rent out quality tour skates (OAC) with NNN and...
de: Wir vermieten hochwertige Touren-Eislaufschuhe (OA...
en: Pyynikki Church Park
Tampere | Attraction | Cultural Heritage, History, Parks & Gardens |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: Pyynikki Church Park includes the landscaped garde...
en: Bakery Cafe Puusti
de: Bäckerei Cafe Puusti
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Café |
Bakery Cafe Puusti +358 50 597 9659 cafepuusti@gmail.com |
en: Come and pick up soft and freshly made Finnish cin...
de: Holen Sie sich weiche, frisch gebackene finnische ...
en: Pyykkimettä Park
Tampere | Attraction | Children's Attraction, Cultural Heritage, Family activity |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: Pyykkimettä park is located on the Pispalan harju...
en: Moro Sky Bar
de: Moro Sky Bar
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Bars & Nightlife |
Moro Sky Bar +358 10 786 0121 torni.tampere@sokoshotels.fi |
en: Moro Sky Bar is an astonishing sky bar with a trem...
de: Die Moro Sky Bar ist eine beeindruckende Sky Bar m...
en: Restaurant Helvetin Portti
de: Restaurant Helvetin Portti
Ruovesi | Eat & Drink | Pet Friendly, Local Food, Restaurant |
Ravintola Helvetin Portti +358 3 476 6104 ravintola@helvetinportti.fi |
en: Welcome to dine in Hell! Restaurant Helvetin Portt...
de: Willkommen zum Essen in der Hölle! Das Restaurant...
en: Hevossaari Beach
Ylöjärvi | Attraction | Children's Attraction, Swimming, Family activity |
Visit Ylöjärvi +358 3 5653 0000 kirjaamo@ylojarvi.fi |
en: You can find both sand and grass on Hevossaari bea...
en: Hotel Ellivuori
de: Hotel Ellivuori
Sastamala | Accommodation | Hotels |
Ellivuori Resort +358 3 51921 sales@ellivuori.fi |
en: Free wi-fi is available in every room. Free use of...
de: Kostenloses WLAN ist in jedem Zimmer verfügbar. D...
en: Hockey Hall of Fame Finland
de: Hockey Hall of Fame Finnland
Tampere | Attraction | Cultural Heritage, Museums & Galleries, History, School Visit |
Suomen Jääkiekkomuseo - Hockey Hall of Fame Finland +358 50 329 0988 jaakiekkomuseo@tampere.fi |
en: Museum of Finnish ice hockey history.
Hockey Hall...
de: Museum der finnischen Eishockeygeschichte. In der ...
en: Seitseminen National Park
de: Nationalpark Seitseminen
Ylöjärvi | Attraction | National Parks |
Metsähallitus Luontopalvelut +358 20 639 5270 sisasuomi@metsa.fi |
en: Experience how crofters used to make their living ...
de: Im Nationalpark Seitseminen wird die Vergangenheit...
en: Aitolahti Church
Tampere | Attraction | Architecture, Cultural Heritage, History |
Tampereen Evankelis-Luterilainen Seurakuntayhtymä +358 50 337 4077 viestinta@evl.fi |
en: The Evangelical Lutheran church in Aitolahti is ne...
en: Scandic Rosendahl
de: Scandic Rosendahl
Tampere | Accommodation | Hotels, Pet Friendly |
Scandic Hotels +358 3 0030 8434 rosendahl@scandichotels.com |
en: A cosy hotel in a beautiful lakeside setting near ...
de: Ein freundliches Hotel in wunderschöner Lage am S...
en: Kaukajärvi Rowing and Canoeing Centre
Tampere | Attraction | Lakes, Paddling & Rafting, Sports, Boating & Sailing |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: Kaukajärvi Rowing and Canoeing Centre is one of t...
en: Lielahti Church
Tampere | Attraction | Architecture, Cultural Heritage, History |
Tampereen Evankelis-Luterilainen Seurakuntayhtymä +358 50 400 2108 viestinta@evl.fi |
en: After Lielahti district was added to Harju Evangel...
en: Emil Aaltonen Museum
de: Emil-Aaltonen-Museum
Tampere | Attraction | Cultural Heritage, History, Museums & Galleries |
Emil Aaltosen museo +358 3 212 4551 pyynikinlinna@pyynikinlinna.fi |
en: Emil Aaltonen museum of industry and art. The perm...
de: Emil Aaltonen -Museum für Industrie und Kunst. Di...
en: Restaurant Tiiliholvi
de: Restaurant Tiiliholvi
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Culinary Experience, Fine Dining, Local Food, Restaurant |
Aleksin Ravintolat Oy +358 20 766 9061 jaakko.sinivuori@aleksinravintolat.fi |
en: Our cuisine includes Finnish, Scandinavian and int...
de: Unsere Küche bietet finnische, skandinavische und...
en: Lotila Beach
Valkeakoski | Attraction | Swimming, Water activity & cruises |
Valkeakoski Matkailu +358 40 335 6512 liikunta@valkeakoski.fi |
en: Lotila beach is located three kilometers from the ...
en: Tree Mountain
de: Der Baumberg
Ylöjärvi | Attraction | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Cultural Heritage, Forests, Scenic Point |
Visit Ylöjärvi +358 3 5653 0000 kirjaamo@ylojarvi.fi |
en: Initiated in 1982, Tree Mountain is an environment...
de: Der 1982 initiierte Baumberg (Tree Mountain) ist e...
en: Viikinsaari Island
de: Insel Viikinsaari
Tampere | Attraction | Lakes, Natural Site, Cruises & Ferries, Boating & Sailing, Restaurant |
Hopealinjat +358 10 422 5600 asiakaspalvelu@hopealinja.fi |
en: The Viikinsaari Island will capture the imaginatio...
de: Die Insel Viikinsaari wird die ganze Familie mit i...
en: Doghill Fairytale Farm
Tampere | Experience | Children's Attraction, Christmas & Santa, Family activity, Animal Parks & Farms, Amusement Park |
Särkänniemi +358 20 713 0200 asiakaspalvelu@sarkanniemi.fi |
en: Doghill Fairytale Farm is a petting zoo in the hea...
en: Messukylä Church
Tampere | Attraction | Architecture, Cultural Heritage, History |
Tampereen Evankelis-Luterilainen Seurakuntayhtymä +358 50 599 8215 viestinta@evl.fi |
en: The main church of the Messukylä Evangelical Luth...
en: Viinitupa Vuorenmaja
de: Weinstube Vuorenmaja
Mänttä-Vilppula | Eat & Drink | Bars & Nightlife, Cultural Heritage, Local Food |
Viinitupa Vuorenmaja +358 3 389 1616 info@vuorenmaja.fi |
en: Viinitupa Vuorenmaja is a European style wine tave...
de: Ein europäischer Treffpunkt auf dem Hausberg der ...
en: Apartment Hotel Tampere MN
de: Apartment Hotel Tampere MN
Tampere | Accommodation | Hotels, Bed & Breakfast |
Tampereen Huoneistohotelli MN +358 50 565 9150 info@tampereenhuoneistohotelli.fi |
en: Apartment Hotel Tampere MN apartments are located ...
de: Das Apartment Hotel Tampere MN befindet sich im St...
en: Aloha Ramen
de: Aloha Ramen
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Restaurant, Lunch & brunch, Vegetarian/Vegan, Fast Food |
MFGA-Ravintolat Oy +358 44 989 4896 info@aloharamentampere.com |
en: Ramen restaurant serves traditional and not-so-tra...
de: Das Restaurant Ramen serviert traditionelle und we...
en: Lauri Viita Museum
de: Lauri Viita -Museum
Tampere | Attraction | Museums & Galleries |
Lauri Viita-museo +358 40 582 0444 arto.jalonen@tuni.fi |
en: Lauri Viita Museum is writer Lauri Viita’s home ...
de: Das Lauri Viita -Museum ist das Heimatmuseum des S...
de: Kajakverleih, Tres Hombres
en: Kayak Rental, Tres Hombres
Tampere | Rental service | Lakes, Sports, Paddling & Rafting, Water activity & cruises |
Tres Hombres Adventure Oy +358 40 504 7777 info@treshombres.fi |
de: Wir vermieten Einzel- und Doppelkajaks nur einen k...
en: Kayak rental (single and tandem kayaks) within wal...
en: Härmälä Church
Tampere | Attraction | Architecture, Cultural Heritage, History |
Tampereen Evankelis-Luterilainen Seurakuntayhtymä +358 50 408 7759 viestinta@evl.fi |
en: Härmälä Evangelical Lutheran Church, located in...
en: Palmroth Footwear and Bags
de: Palmroth Schuhe und Taschen
Tampere | Shopping | Local Products, Boutique |
PALMROTH +358 400 317 732 info@palmroth.fi |
en: High quality footwear since 1928. Palmroth represe...
de: Hochwertige Schuhe seit 1928. Palmroth steht für ...
en: Lynx Bar & Cafe
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Bars & Nightlife, Culinary Experience, Café, Restaurant |
Original Sokos Hotel Ilves +358 10 787 0054 lynx.ilves@sok.fi |
en: Cheerful meeting point with tapas, wines and cockt...
en: Police Museum
de: Polizeimuseum
Tampere | Attraction | Cultural Heritage, History, Family activity, Museums & Galleries |
Poliisimuseo +358 295 418 325 poliisimuseo@poliisi.fi |
en: The Police Museum, the only museum of its kind in ...
de: Das Polizeimuseum, das einzige Museum seiner Art i...
en: Tampere-Pirkkala Airport
Pirkkala | Attraction | Other attraction |
Visit Tampere +358 20 014 6636 tmp@airpro.fi |
en: Tampere Airport, officially Tampere-Pirkkala Airpo...
en: Mutala Beach
Ylöjärvi | Attraction | Children's Attraction, Swimming |
Visit Ylöjärvi +358 3 5653 0000 kirjaamo@ylojarvi.fi |
en: Mutala beach is located next to the beautiful lake...
en: Pyynikki Beach
Tampere | Attraction | Swimming, Other attraction |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: The very popular Pyynikki beach is located in the ...
en: Lake Trails Cycling Routes
Tampere | Attraction | Cycling & Mountain Biking, Lakes, Natural Site, Nature Excursion, Sports |
Visit Tampere +358 3 5656 6800 visittampere@visittampere.fi |
en: The cycling routes Lake Trails take you to magnifi...
en: The Shop of Lovely Things
Sastamala | Shopping | Local Products, Souvenirs |
The House of Mr. Clutterbuck +358 44 770 3102 info@herrahakkaraisentalo.fi |
en: The Shop of Lovely Things is situated in the same ...
en: Lake Vallonjärvi Nature Path
Valkeakoski | Attraction | Lakes, Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Forests, Natural Site, Wildlife & Bird Watching |
Valkeakoski Matkailu +358 40 335 6512 matkailu@valkeakoski.fi |
en: Lake Vallonjärvi, guided nature path 2,2 km and b...
de: Markthalle Tampere
en: Tampere Market Hall
Tampere | Attraction | Local Products, Local Food, Other attraction |
Tampereen kaupunki/City of Tampere no contact number tiina@tampereenkauppahalli.fi |
de: Einmalige Stimmung mit freundlichem Service in der...
en: Welcome to the largest Market Hall in the Nordics!...
en: Pizzeria Napoli
de: Pizzeria Napoli
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Restaurant, Lunch & brunch |
Pizzeria Napoli +358 3 223 8887 napoli@pizzerianapoli.fi |
en: Situated in the heart of the city, the oldest pizz...
de: Die älteste Pizzeria von Tampere liegt im Herzen ...
en: Tammelantori Square
Tampere | Attraction | Local Lifestyle, Other Shop, Local Food |
Visit Tampere +358 50 083 9034 torivalvonta@tampere.fi |
en: Tammelantori square is a traditional marketplace w...
en: Lake Trails Cycling, Route Näsi
Tampere | Attraction | Cycling & Mountain Biking, Nature Excursion, Natural Site |
Visit Tampere +358 3 5656 6800 visittampere@visittampere.fi |
en: See amazing scenery, taste locally grown food, enj...
en: Two-Story Double Rooms
Mänttä-Vilppula | Accommodation | Bed & Breakfast |
Vehkaniemen Loma- ja juhlatila +358 50 520 6451 info@vehkaniemi.fi |
en: Old log barn with 5 two-story double rooms, max. f...
en: Museum Milavida
de: Museum Milavida
Tampere | Attraction | History, Museums & Galleries |
Tampereen kaupunki/City of Tampere +358 40 831 4054 milavida@tampere.fi |
en: Museum Milavida is a unique museum in Tampere. Its...
de: Das Museum Milavida ist einzigartig in Tampere. Di...
en: Children's Cultural Centre Rulla
Tampere | Attraction | Creative arts, Children's Attraction, Music, Other performance arts |
Tampereen kaupunki/City of Tampere +358 40 824 9118 rulla@tampere.fi |
en: Rulla is a colourful and inspiring children’s cu...
en: Pyynikin Munkkikahvila, The Café
de: Pyynikin Munkkikahvila, das Café
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Café, Local Food |
Pyynikin Näkötorni / Pyynikin Munkkikahvila +358 3 212 3247 asiakaspalvelu@munkkikahvila.net |
en: A traditional and legendary family-owned cafeteria...
de: Eine traditionelle und legendäre familiengeführt...
en: Experience the Forest with All Senses
de: Den Wald mit allen Sinnen erleben
Parkano | Experience | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Wellbeing from Nature, Forests, Nature Excursion, Silence Program |
Kintukka Nature and recreation services +358 50 391 2010 hannu.raitio@me.com |
en: A nature excursion is always refreshing as we brea...
de: Ein Ausflug in die Natur gibt frische Perspektiven...
en: Ylöjärvi Local History Museum
Ylöjärvi | Attraction | Cultural Heritage, Local Lifestyle, History, Museums & Galleries |
Visit Ylöjärvi +358 3 5653 0000 kirjaamo@ylojarvi.fi |
en: Come to experience the old way of living in YlöjÃ...
en: Pub Pikilinna
de: Pub Pikilinna
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Bars & Nightlife, Music, Event venue, Meeting venue |
Pub Pikilinna +358 50 442 3753 pub.pikilinna@kolumbus.fi |
en: Pub Pikilinna is a small and cozy, Irish styled, b...
de: Der Pub Pikilinna ist ein kleines, gemütliches, i...
en: Restaurant Ellivuori
Sastamala | Eat & Drink | Local Food, Restaurant, Lunch & brunch |
Ellivuori Resort +358 3 51 923 sales@ellivuori.fi |
en: Taste experiences for everyday life and celebratio...
en: Laikunlava Outdoor Stage
Tampere | Attraction | Creative arts, Music, Events & Festivals |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: This inviting outdoor stage right in the centre of...
de: See-Cottage Niemi-Kapee Kokkoranta
en: Niemi-Kapee Kokkoranta Lakeside Cottage
Tampere | Accommodation | Cottages & Villas |
Niemi-Kapee +358 50 339 4885 kapee@niemikapee.fi |
de: Der Name Kokkoranta bedeutet so viel wie „Lagerf...
en: The name Kokkoranta translates into Bonfire Beach....
en: Time Traveller
Tampere | Experience | Other Activity, Family activity |
Amazing City Oy +358 400 734 174 info@amazingcity.fi |
en: Time Traveller is an adventure game set in Särkä...
en: Frenckell Square
Tampere | Attraction | Architecture, Cultural Heritage, History |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: Frenckell square is located on the Central square ...
en: Perkkoonpuisto
Tampere | Attraction | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Natural Site |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: Perkkoonpuisto offers a comfortable outdoor route ...
en: Hatanpää Arboretum and Rose Garden
Tampere | Attraction | Natural Site, Parks & Gardens |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: In the Hatanpää arboretum you can get acquainted...
en: Museum Restaurant Valssi
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Café, Local Food, Restaurant, Lunch & brunch, Vegetarian/Vegan |
Tampereen kaupunki/City of Tampere +358 3 5656 5307 myynti.museot@tampere.fi |
en: The museum restaurant Valssi offers lunch, coffee ...
de: Lillan Hotel & Kök
en: Lillan Hotel & Kök
Tampere | Accommodation | Hotels, Café, Lunch & brunch |
Lillan Nordic Oy +358 40 353 0328 lillan@lillan.fi |
de: Das bezaubernde Boutiquehotel, Café und Restauran...
en: The loveliest boutique hotel, café and restaurant...
en: Finlayson Church
de: Finlayson-Kirche
Tampere | Attraction | Architecture, Cultural Heritage, History |
Tampereen Evankelis-Luterilainen Seurakuntayhtymä +358 40 804 8762 viestinta@evl.fi |
en: The Finlayson Church is an Evangelical Lutheran ch...
de: Die evangelisch-lutherische Finlayson-Kirche wurde...
en: Children's Traffic Park
Tampere | Attraction | Children's Attraction, Family activity |
Visit Tampere +358 40 036 3380 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: The Traffic Park offers children aged 6-12 the opp...
en: Kirjastonpuisto Park
Tampere | Attraction | Parks & Gardens |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: Kirjastonpuisto park is located by the Tammerkoski...
de: Pyynikki-Aussichtsturm und Café
en: Pyynikki Observation Tower and Café
Tampere | Attraction | Café, Scenic Point, Local Food, Other attraction |
Pyynikin Näkötorni / Pyynikin Munkkikahvila +358 3 212 3247 asiakaspalvelu@munkkikahvila.net |
de: Der 26 Meter hohe Turm aus rotem Granit befindet s...
en: Located on the world's largest gravel ridge, the 2...
en: Urjala Church
Urjala | Attraction | Cultural Heritage, History |
Urjalan kunta + 358 40 804 8832 urjalan.seurakunta@evl.fi |
en: The wooden cruciform church designed by Martti Tol...
en: Helvetinjärvi National Park
de: Nationalpark Helvetinjärvi
Ruovesi | Attraction | National Parks |
Metsähallitus Luontopalvelut +358 20 639 5270 sisasuomi@metsa.fi |
en: The landscape here is dominated by geological feat...
de: Finden Sie heraus, welche Naturkräfte vor Million...
en: Ravintola Zarillo, Hervanta
Tampere | Eat & Drink | Restaurant, Lunch & brunch, Vegetarian/Vegan, Fast Food |
Zarillo Restaurants +358 50 570 0241 hervanta@zarillo.fi |
en: Zarillo Western & Tex Mex Restaurants in Tampere s...
en: Tammerkoski Nature Trail
Tampere | Attraction | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Local Lifestyle, Scenic Point, Parks & Gardens, Historical Sites |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: The Tammerkoski nature trail circles in the centre...
en: Minibus Rental, RentCenter
Tampere | Rental service | Transportation |
RentCenter Tampere Oy +358 3 260 6500 toimisto@rentcenter.fi |
en: Rent a minibus for 1+8 persons from Tampere or Tam...
en: Forenom Aparthotel Tampere Kauppakatu
Tampere | Accommodation | Hotels, Bed & Breakfast |
Forenom Oy +358 20 198 3420 info@forenom.com |
en: In October 2022, a high-quality aparthotel has ope...
en: Pyynikki Ridge
de: Pyynikki-Grat
Tampere | Attraction | Cultural Heritage, Forests, Natural Site, Scenic Point, History |
Visit Tampere +358 41 730 8168 tampereenpalvelupiste@tampere.fi |
en: New York has Central Park, but how many cities can...
de: New York hat den Central Park, aber wie viele Stä...
en: Frantsilan Kehäkukka - Cafe and Vegetarian Restaurant
de: Frantsilan Kehäkukka - Café und vegetarisches Restaurant
Hämeenkyrö | Eat & Drink | Café, Lunch & brunch, Vegetarian/Vegan |
Frantsilan Kehäkukka +358 3 371 4637 asiakaspalvelu@frantsilankehakukka.fi |
en: Located on the banks of the Pappilanjoki river, in...
de: Das Café & Restaurant Frantsilan Kehäkukka befin...
de: Der Kamm Rapola
en: The Rapola Ridge
Valkeakoski | Attraction | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Forests, Nature Excursion, Natural Site, Historical Sites |
Valkeakoski Matkailu +358 40 335 6512 matkailu@valkeakoski.fi |
de: Es gibt zwei verschiedene Wanderwege, um die einzi...
en: There are two different trails to take in the uniq...
en: Evening Cruises from Laukontori aboard the M/S Silver Sky
Tampere | Experience | Lakes, Cruises & Ferries, Boating & Sailing, Local Food |
Hopealinjat +358 10 422 5600 asiakaspalvelu@hopealinja.fi |
en: Immerse yourself in the lovely views of Lake Pyhä...
en: Tampere Old Church
Tampere | Attraction | Architecture, Cultural Heritage, History |
Tampereen Evankelis-Luterilainen Seurakuntayhtymä +358 40 804 8766 viestinta@evl.fi |
en: The Tampere Old Church is an Evangelical Lutheran ...