Total: 30
Product name | Location | Type | Categories | Contact | Webshop | Website | Description |
de: Kanufahren auf den Gewässern von Koli mit Jero!
en: Canoeing in lake Jero, Koli Natioanal Park
Koli | Experience | Paddling & Rafting |
Retkipaikka Koli/Kolin luontokeskus Ukko +358 40 773 2442 ukko@retkipaikka.fi |
de: Jero bietet eine großartige Gelegenheit, die Natu...
en: Lake Jero in Koli offers a wonderful setting to g...
de: Schneeschuhwanderung zu den Gipfeln von Koli – ein einfacher und unterhaltsamer Wintersport!
en: Snowshoeing trip to the peaks of Koli - an easy and fun winter activity!
Koli | Experience | Nature Excursion, Snowshoeing |
Retkipaikka Koli/Kolin luontokeskus Ukko +358 40 773 2442 ukko@retkipaikka.fi |
de: Schneeschuhwandern ist die beliebteste Winteraktiv...
en: Snowshoeing is the most popular winter activity in...
en: Karelia Huvilla's Villa Hymy
Koli | Accommodation | Cottages & Villas |
Karelia Huvilla +358 447 887 929 info@kareliahuvilla.fi |
en: Villa Hymy (like Smile) is located in a lovely qui...
en: Karelia Huvilla's Villa Onni
Koli | Accommodation | Cottages & Villas |
Karelia Huvilla +358 447 887 929 info@kareliahuvilla.fi |
en: Welcome to enjoy the tranquility of nature at Vill...
en: Koli Sculpture Garden
de: Skulpturenpark Koli
Koli | Attraction | Creative arts, Museums & Galleries, Parks & Gardens |
Koli Sculpture Garden / Kolin Veistospuisto 0504665040 lasse.martikainen@kolinpuutarha.fi |
en: The SculpÂtuÂre Park is one of the fiÂnest attÂ...
de: Die neuesÂte AttÂrakÂtion von KoÂli! Die ParÂ...
en: Neural Pathway Massage
Koli | Experience | Wellness Treatments, Rehabilitation |
Hieronta Koli-koli +358401948255 hierontakolikoli@gmail.com |
en: A holistic form of bodywork, originally developed ...
en: Shiatsu
Koli | Experience | Wellness Treatments, Rehabilitation |
Hieronta Koli-koli +358401948255 hierontakolikoli@gmail.com |
en: Shiatsu is a Japanese form of holistic bodywork wi...
en: Massage
Koli | Experience | Wellness Treatments, Rehabilitation, Medical Service |
Hieronta Koli-koli +358401948255 hierontakolikoli@gmail.com |
en: Classical or "Swedish" Massage done by qualified m...
en: Physical Therapy
Koli | Experience | Wellness Treatments, Rehabilitation, Medical Service |
Hieronta Koli-koli +358401948255 hierontakolikoli@gmail.com |
en: Physical Therapy done by qualified physical therap...
en: Koli Niinilahti holiday cottage
Koli | Accommodation | Cottages & Villas |
Koli Niinilahden Lomamajat +358407702277 info@niinilahti.fi |
en: Come and enjoy yourself in Koli, Niinilahti!
In N...
en: Koli Ski
de: Koli Ski
Koli | Experience | Ski Resort |
Break Sokos Hotel Koli +358107623630 koliski@sok.fi |
en: Skiing on the Ukko-Koli slopes is like diving into...
de: Skifahren auf den Psiten des Skigebiets Ukko-Koli ...
en: Guided Walking Tour in Koli National Park with Bouquet of Karelian Songs
Koli | Experience | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Nature Excursion |
Feel Koli Nature tours +358400184267 info@feelkoli.fi |
en: Bouquet of Songs is a unique tour at Koli: surroun...
en: Disc Golf at Koli
Koli | Experience | Disc golf |
Break Sokos Hotel Koli +358 20 1234 662 koli.reception@sok.fi |
en: Enjoy disc golf on the slopes of Koli Ski!
This un...
en: Relax in a hammock - a walking trip to a traditional farm including a hammock rest break.
de: Ruhiges Koli - Meditativer Naturausflug
Koli | Experience | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Nature Excursion |
Retkipaikka Koli/Kolin luontokeskus Ukko +358 40 773 2442 ukko@retkipaikka.fi |
en: On this trip, you will experience it all; outdoor ...
de: Stille ist heutzutage ein seltenes Luxusgut und ei...
en: Nature Relaxation - Wellness from the Peaks
Koli | Experience | Nature Excursion |
Retkipaikka Koli/Kolin luontokeskus Ukko +358 40 773 2442 ukko@retkipaikka.fi |
en: A calming visit to North Karelian nature allows yo...
en: Silent Koli - Mindful Nature Experience
de: Ruhiges Koli - Meditativer Naturausflug
Koli | Experience | Nature Excursion |
Retkipaikka Koli/Kolin luontokeskus Ukko +358 40 773 2442 ukko@retkipaikka.fi |
en: Silence is a rare luxury and a powerful tool in to...
de: Stille ist heutzutage ein seltenes Luxusgut und ei...
en: Kolin Runo - Cozy B&B Near Koli Hill
Koli | Accommodation | National Parks, Bed & Breakfast |
Kolin Runo +358400421485 kolinrunoi@gmail.com |
en: Kolin Runo is a cozy bed and breakfast at Koli. We...
en: Koli Top Tour - Guaranteed departures every Saturday year-round at 11:00.
de: Gipfelrunde - Garantierte Abfahrten jeden Samstag um 11:00 Uhr das ganze Jahr über.
Koli | Experience | Nature Excursion |
Retkipaikka Koli/Kolin luontokeskus Ukko +358 40 773 2442 ukko@retkipaikka.fi |
en: Book a spot for your family or group of friends an...
de: Buchen Sie einen Platz für Ihre Familie, mit Freu...
en: Straight into the embrace of the national landscape - a light excursion to the peaks of Koli.
de: Gipfelrunde - Direkt in den Schoß der Nationalen Landschaft
Koli | Experience | Nature Excursion |
Retkipaikka Koli/Kolin luontokeskus Ukko +358 40 773 2442 ukko@retkipaikka.fi |
en: Book a spot for your family or group of friends an...
de: Buchen Sie einen Platz für Ihre Familie, mit Freu...
en: Snowshoe Trip to the Koli Peaks - Winter guaranteed departures on Saturdays at 13:00
Koli | Event | Snowshoeing |
Retkipaikka Koli/Kolin luontokeskus Ukko +358 40 773 2442 ukko@retkipaikka.fi |
en: Snowshoeing is the most popular winter activity in...
en: Snoeshoeing trip in the dark in Koli - Experience the atmosphere of dark and wintry Koli!
Koli | Experience | Snowshoeing |
Retkipaikka Koli/Kolin luontokeskus Ukko +358 40 773 2442 ukko@retkipaikka.fi |
en: A snowshoe hike in the dark is an unforgettable ex...
en: Restaurant Tervaskanto
Koli | Eat & Drink | Food Experience, Local Food, Restaurant |
Break Sokos Hotel Koli Kylä 020 1234 664 koli.reception@sok.fi |
en: A trekking trip without having something nice to e...
en: Rent a Motorboat on Lake Pielinen
Koli | Rental service | Fishing & Hunting, Boating & Sailing |
Kalastusretket 0440101143 info@fishingtrips.fi |
en: Would you like to experience the Lake Pielinen on ...
en: Exclusive Use of a Fishing Lake
de: Exklusive Nutzung eines Angelsees
Koli | Experience | Lakes, Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Forests, Nature Excursion, Wildlife & Bird Watching, Paddling & Rafting, Berry & Mushroom Picking, Fishing & Hunting, Guided Service |
Kalastusretket 0440101143 info@fishingtrips.fi |
en: We sell exclusive permits for fishing in the Musta...
de: Wir verkaufen exklusive Angelkarten für den See M...
en: Grill It! Koli
de: Grill It! Koli
Koli | Eat & Drink | Fine Dining, Restaurant |
Break Sokos Hotel Koli +358 10 7623635 koli.reception@sok.fi |
en: Grill It! is a Scandinavian restaurant located at ...
de: Grill It! ist ein skandinavisches Restaurant in Uk...
en: Holiday Cottages and Camping in Breathtaking Scenery of Koli
de: Ferienhäuser und Camping in der atemberaubenden Landschaft von Koli
Koli | Accommodation | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Cycling & Mountain Biking, Luxury accommodation, Nature Excursion, Ice swimming, Running & Trailrunning, Cottages & Villas, Specialty accommodation, Wildlife & Bird Watching, Snowshoeing, Paddling & Rafting, Berry & Mushroom Picking, Cross-country Skiing, Orienteering, Camping, Boating & Sailing, Fishing & Hunting, Water activity & cruises, Ski Resort, Ski school, Skiing & Snowboarding, Snowmobiling, Winter biking, Ice fishing |
VisitKoli +358207352300 info@visitkoli.fi |
en: Fully equipped holiday cottages, apartments and ca...
de: Voll ausgestattete Ferienhäuser, Ferienwohnungen ...
en: Break Sokos Hotel Koli
de: Break Sokos Hotel Koli
Koli | Accommodation | Hotels |
Break Sokos Hotel Koli +358 20 1234 662 koli.reception@sok.fi |
en: Whether you want to get away from it all, need a b...
de: Egal, ob Sie dem Alltag entfliehen, neue Energie t...
en: SuomenSatu holiday cottages / Koli
de: SuomenSatu Ferienhäuser/Koli
Koli | Accommodation | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, National Parks, Spa & Recreational Spa, Luxury accommodation, Wellbeing from Nature, Sauna, Cottages & Villas, Billiards, Boating & Sailing, Midnight Sun |
SuomenSatu +358451715405 suomensatu@gmail.com |
en: Life is Better at the Lake
Holiday houses, modern ...
de: Das Leben ist besser am See
In den modernen und l...
en: Finland's Lakes & Hills Adventure
de: Finnlands Seen- und Hügelabenteuer
Koli | Experience | Sauna, Hiking, Walking & Trekking, National Parks, Cultural Heritage, Swimming, Paddling & Rafting, Local Food, Guided Service |
Anton Hill Adventures +358451957313 sales@antonhill.eu |
en: Enjoy gorgeous landscapes along with hiking, canoe...
de: Genießen Sie auf der Tour „Finnlands Seen- und ...
en: Rent a Kayak
Koli | Rental service | Lakes, National Parks, Paddling & Rafting, Boating & Sailing, Fishing & Hunting |
Kalastusretket +358440101143 info@fishingtrips.fi |
en: Our company rents 'sit on top' kayaks in both Joen...