Total: 37
Product name | Location | Type | Categories | Contact | Webshop | Website | Description |
en: "On the Highest Branch" Tour in Kangasala
Kangasala | Experience | Cultural Heritage, Sightseeing & Tours, History, Guided Service |
Visit Kangasala +358 41 314 7221 info@visitkangasala.fi |
en: On this tour, we’ll climb to the highest peaks t...
en: Kangasala Highlights Tour (Bus)
Kangasala | Experience | Natural Site, Sightseeing & Tours, Guided Service, Historical Sites |
Visit Kangasala +358 41 314 7221 info@visitkangasala.fi |
en: On this tour, you’ll comfortably experience Kang...
en: The Cultural Figures of Kangasala – Walking Tour
Kangasala | Experience | Sightseeing & Tours, History, Guided Service |
Visit Kangasala +358 41 314 7221 info@visitkangasala.fi |
en: Kangasala is renowned for its captivating cultural...
en: Tour to Royal History: Kangasala´s Three Famous Kaarinas
Kangasala | Experience | Cultural Heritage, Sightseeing & Tours, History, Guided Service |
Visit Kangasala +358 41 314 7221 info@visitkangasala.fi |
en: Come and discover the three famous Kaarinas of Kan...
en: The Most Beautiful Buildings of Kangasala Town Center – Walking Tour
Kangasala | Experience | Sightseeing & Tours, History, Guided Service |
Visit Kangasala +358 41 314 7221 info@visitkangasala.fi |
en: Do you know the stories behind the architectural g...
en: Vehoniemi Automobile Museum
Kangasala | Attraction | Cultural Heritage, Café, Scenic Point, Museums & Galleries, History |
Vehoniemen Automuseo +358 50 365 7023 leila@automuseo.com |
en: The Vehoniemi Automobile Museum features interesti...
en: Kirkkoharju Café
Kangasala | Eat & Drink | Café, Scenic Point |
Kirkkoharjun Kahvila Oy +358 50 551 6554 info@kirkkoharjunkahvila.fi |
en: Kirkkoharju Café is a resting place on a high rid...
en: Längelmä Cycling Route
Kangasala | Experience | Lakes, Wellbeing from Nature, Cycling & Mountain Biking |
Visit Kangasala +358 41 314 7221 info@visitkangasala.fi |
en: Lake Trails – cycling trails offer a piece of Fi...
en: Canoe, Kayak and Boat Rental on Beautiful Lake Roine
Kangasala | Experience | Paddling & Rafting, Boating & Sailing, Fishing & Hunting |
Uotilan Edustushuvilat +358 40 540 8500 myynti@uotilaloma.fi |
en: We rent canoes, kayaks and rowing boats and outboa...
en: Fishing Kayak Pedal Model for Rent
Kangasala | Rental service | Paddling & Rafting, Fishing & Hunting, Water activity & cruises |
Kesäpäivä Rent & Adventures +358 40 627 6002 info@kesapaiva.fi |
en: Pedal kayak for paddling and fishing available for...
en: Roine Cycling Route
Kangasala | Experience | Cycling & Mountain Biking, Wellbeing from Nature |
Visit Kangasala +358 50 315 2854 info@visitkangasala.fi |
en: Lake Trails - cycling trails offer a piece of Finl...
en: Cafe Ruusupuu
Kangasala | Eat & Drink | Café |
Kirkkoharjun Kahvila Oy +358 50 551 6554 info@kirkkoharjunkahvila.fi |
en: Welcome to Summer Cafe Ruusupuu – at the heart o...
en: Hupilainen Puppet Theater
Kangasala | Attraction | Creative arts, Children's Attraction, Theater, School Visit, Other performance arts |
Nukketeatteri Hupilainen +358 40 419 7077 hupilainen@hupilainen.fi |
en: The Puppet Theater Hupilainen, located in Kangasal...
en: Restaurant Mobilia
Kangasala | Eat & Drink | Café, Lunch & brunch |
Mobilia ravintola +358 45 783 47770 ravintola@mobilia.fi |
en: Restaurant Mobilia is a cosy café and lunch resta...
en: Vehoniemi Observation Tower
Kangasala | Attraction | Natural Site, Scenic Point |
Visit Kangasala +358 50 315 2854 info@visitkangasala.fi |
en: The landscape from the observation tower unfolds s...
en: Kaarinanpolku Hiking Trail
Kangasala | Experience | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Natural Site, Running & Trailrunning |
Visit Kangasala +358 50 315 2854 info@visitkangasala.fi |
en: Kaarinanpolku is a popular hiking trail, approxima...
en: Sorola Outdoor and Recreation Area
Kangasala | Experience | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Forests, Nature Excursion, Running & Trailrunning, Cross-country Skiing |
Visit Kangasala +358 50 315 2854 info@visitkangasala.fi |
en: Sorola and Kirkkoharju outdoor area offer versatil...
en: Haralanharju Observation Tower
Kangasala | Attraction | Natural Site, Forests |
Visit Kangasala +358 41 314 7221 info@visitkangasala.fi |
en: The beauty of Haralanharju inspired Sakari Topeliu...
en: Laipanmaa Hiking Area
Kangasala | Experience | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Cycling & Mountain Biking, Nature Excursion |
Visit Kangasala +358 50 315 2854 info@visitkangasala.fi |
en: Laipanmaa is an approximately 15,000-hectare area ...
en: Kirkkoharju Hiking and Outdoor Area
Kangasala | Experience | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Nature Excursion, Cross-country Skiing |
Visit Kangasala +358 50 315 2854 info@visitkangasala.fi |
en: Kirkkoharju offers well-maintained illuminated tra...
en: Accessible Lake Adventure
Kangasala | Rental service | Lakes, Boating & Sailing, Fishing & Hunting, Guided Service, Private Experience |
Kesäpäivä Rent & Adventures +358 40 627 6002 info@kesapaiva.fi |
en: You can rent our accessible boat with or without a...
en: Arboretum Frick
Kangasala | Attraction | Parks & Gardens, Photography |
Arboretum Frick +358 40 731 0922 erkki.frick@sci.fi |
en: Arboretum Frick is a splendid natural attraction i...
en: Trattoria Pazzi
Kangasala | Eat & Drink | Restaurant |
Trattoria Pazzi +358 400 997 866 trattoria@pazzi.fi |
en: Trattoria Pazzi is an Italian style restaurant wit...
en: Glamping Tent Villa Ponsa
Kangasala | Accommodation | Camping |
Villa Ponsa +358 40 754 0600 villaponsa@gmail.com |
en: In the courtyard of Villa Ponsa, you can feel the ...
en: Summer Café Villa Ponsa
de: Sommercafé Villa Ponsa
Kangasala | Eat & Drink | Café |
Villa Ponsa +358 40 754 0600 villaponsa@gmail.com |
en: If you’re up for a tasty cup of coffee and a hom...
de: Wenn Sie in Kangasala Lust auf eine leckere Tasse ...
en: Pepper Bar & Restaurant Kangasala
de: Bar & Restaurant Pepper Kangasala
Kangasala | Eat & Drink | Restaurant, Lunch & brunch, Fast Food |
Pepper Ravintolat +358 3 447 5312 kangasala@pepper.fi |
en: Pepper is a cozy, family-friendly restaurant locat...
de: Das Pepper ist ein gemütliches, familienfreundlic...
en: Mobilia – Finnish Museum of Car and Road
de: Auto- und Straßenmuseum Mobilia
Kangasala | Attraction | Cultural Heritage, Museums & Galleries, History, Motorsports |
Auton ja tien museo Mobilia +358 3 3140 4000 asiakaspalvelu@mobilia.fi |
en: Mobilia is situated on a beautiful lakeshore in Ka...
de: Das Museum liegt an einem wunderschönen Seeufer i...
en: Mobilia Museum Shop
Kangasala | Shopping | Local Products |
Auton ja tien museo Mobilia +358 3 3140 4000 asiakaspalvelu@mobilia.fi |
en: Mobilia, the Finnish Museum of Car and Road, has a...
en: Tam Silk | Factory Outlet
de: Tam Silk | Werksverkauf
Kangasala | Shopping | Local Products, Boutique, Outlet |
Tam-Silk +358 50 5513 925 info@tamsilk.fi |
en: We are a little Finnish clothing factory from Kang...
de: Wir sind eine kleine finnische Bekleidungsfabrik i...
en: Rahtarit Traffic Park
Kangasala | Attraction | Children's Attraction, Family activity |
Auton ja tien museo Mobilia +358 3 3140 4000 asiakaspalvelu@mobilia.fi |
en: Rahtarit Traffic Park is located in Mobilia, the F...
en: Finnish Rally Museum
Kangasala | Attraction | History, Museums & Galleries, Motorsports |
Auton ja tien museo Mobilia +358 3 3140 4000 asiakaspalvelu@mobilia.fi |
en: The Finnish Rally Museum is a part of Mobilia, Fin...
en: Hotel Kuohu
de: Hotel Kuohu
Kangasala | Accommodation | Hotels |
Hotelli Kuohu +358 10 200 7300 info@hotellikuohu.fi |
en: Hotel Kuohu offers quality accommodation at compet...
de: Das Hotel Kuohu bietet hochwertige Unterkünfte zu...
en: Kimmo Pyykkö Art Museum
Kangasala | Attraction | Creative arts, Cultural Heritage, Museums & Galleries, Guided Service |
Kangasala Arts Centre +358 40 773 0148 info@kangasala-talo.fi |
en: Kimmo Pyykkö Art Museum is located in the very he...
de: Kunstzentrum Kangasala
en: Kangasala Arts Centre
Kangasala | Attraction | Music, Creative arts, Events & Festivals, Meeting venue |
Kangasala Arts Centre +358 40 773 0148 info@kangasala-talo.fi |
de: Das Kunstzentrum Kangasala bringt Kunst in all ihr...
en: The Kangasala Arts Centre brings art in all its fo...
en: Mannakorven Kahvila
Kangasala | Eat & Drink | Café, Lunch & brunch |
Linkosuon Kahvilat oy +358 20 770 2487 mannakorvenkahvila@linkosuo.fi |
en: Kilos of well-known crispy skewers, as well as del...
en: Taidepappila Art Center
de: Art Center Taidepappila
Kangasala | Attraction | Creative arts, Cultural Heritage, Museums & Galleries, History |
Keramiikkastudio T.Luoto +358 41 473 6114 aaron.helo@gmail.com |
en: Taidepappila Art Center was born in 1971, when a y...
de: Das Art Center Taidepappila entstand 1971, als der...
en: Kangasala Local History Museum
de: Heimatmuseum Kangasala
Kangasala | Attraction | Cultural Heritage, Local Lifestyle, History, Museums & Galleries |
Kangasalan kotiseutumuseo +358 45 233 1123 kangasala.seura@kolumbus.fi |
en: The charming and cozy Kangasala Local History Muse...
de: Das charmante und gemütliche Heimatmuseum Kangasa...