Total: 21
Product name | Location | Type | Categories | Contact | Webshop | Website | Description |
en: Petkeljärvi National Park's wood-heated rental sauna
de: Die holzbeheizte Mietsauna des Nationalparks Petkeljärvi
Ilomantsi | Experience | Private sauna, Sauna |
Petkeljärvi Center +358414361790 |
en: Petkeljärvi's beach sauna has 2 separate changing...
de: Die Strandsauna von Petkeljärvi verfügt über zw...
en: Canoe and kayak rental Petkeljärvi Outdoor Centre
de: Kanu- und Kajakverleich im Petkeljärvi Nationalpark
Ilomantsi | Rental service | Paddling & Rafting, Water activity & cruises |
Petkeljärvi Center +358414361790 |
en: Petkeljärvi National Park and the surrounding are...
de: Der Nationalpark Petkeljärvi und die Umgebung des...
en: Karelian Culture in Parppeinvaara
de: Karelische Kultur in Parppeinvaara
Ilomantsi | Experience | Music, Cultural Heritage, Local Lifestyle, History, Museums & Galleries, Guided Service |
Parppeinvaara Rune Singer's Village +35850 375 8787 |
en: We offer Karelian culture in all its glory with Ka...
de: Wir zeigen Ihnen die karelische Kultur in ihrer ga...
en: Guided paddling tour to experience Koitajoki, 12km
Ilomantsi | Experience | Nature Excursion, Paddling & Rafting, Water activity & cruises |
Koihu Adventures Oy +358405002084 |
en: Come and experience the river Koitajoki and the si...
en: Paddling adventure next to the eastern borderline, 27km
de: Paddelabenteuer an der östlichen Grenzlinie, 27 km
Ilomantsi | Experience | Nature Excursion, Paddling & Rafting, Water activity & cruises |
Koihu Adventures Oy 0405002084 |
en: Experience something special – This self-guided ...
de: Erleben Sie etwas Besonderes – Diese selbstgefü...
en: Paddling from Koitajoki to Koitere, 50-76km
Ilomantsi | Experience | Nature Excursion, Paddling & Rafting, Water activity & cruises |
Koihu Adventures Oy +358405002084 |
en: From Koitajoki to Koitere – this water route off...
en: Weekend getaway to the river paddling, 45km
Ilomantsi | Experience | Nature Excursion, Paddling & Rafting, Water activity & cruises |
Koihu Adventures Oy 0405002084 |
en: Relax and enjoy your time away from your hectic ev...
en: Paddle and hike/bike surrounded by the beautiful ridge scenes, 53 km
de: Paddeln und Wandern/Radfahren inmitten der schönen Kammlandschaften, 53 km
Ilomantsi | Experience | Nature Excursion, Paddling & Rafting, Water activity & cruises |
Koihu Adventures Oy 0405002084 |
en: This two/three day nature escape provides you an o...
de: Dieser zwei- oder dreitägige Naturausflug bietet ...
en: Discover two national parks by canoeing and hiking, 80-100 km
de: Entdecken Sie zwei Nationalparks beim Kanufahren und Wandern, 80-100 km
Ilomantsi | Experience | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Nature Excursion, Paddling & Rafting, Water activity & cruises |
Koihu Adventures Oy 0405002084 |
en: Spend five or more days finding your way from Petk...
de: Verbringen Sie fünf oder mehr Tage auf dem Weg vo...
en: Guided paddling tour to experience lake Koitere with hundreds of islands
de: Geführte Paddeltour auf dem Koitere-See mit seinen Hunderten von Inseln
Ilomantsi | Experience | Nature Excursion, Paddling & Rafting, Water activity & cruises |
Koihu Adventures Oy 0405002084 |
en: In our new guided trail you can explore the unique...
de: Auf unserer neuen geführten Wanderung können Sie...
en: Day paddling in placid and quiet Koitajoki, 12-28km
Ilomantsi | Experience | Nature Excursion, Paddling & Rafting, Water activity & cruises |
Koihu Adventures Oy 0405002084 |
en: Enjoy what outdoor life has to offer and spend you...
en: The Museum Buildings of Mateli
Ilomantsi | Attraction | Cultural Heritage, Local Lifestyle, Museums & Galleries, History |
Parppeinvaara Rune Singer's Village +358 50 375 8787 |
en: Elias Lönnrot writes in the foreword of the Kant...
en: The All Saints Chapel
Ilomantsi | Attraction | Cultural Heritage, Local Lifestyle, Museums & Galleries, History |
Parppeinvaara Rune Singer's Village +358 50 375 8787 |
en: The All Saints Chapel or prayer room was consecrat...
de: Eisenhütte Möhkö
en: Möhkö Ironworks
Ilomantsi | Attraction | Cultural Heritage, Museums & Galleries, History |
Möhkö Ironworks +358 50 342 8825 |
de: Die Möhkö-Hütte ist ein Ort für die ganze Fami...
en: Möhkö Ironworks is a place for the entire family...
de: 3-tägige Kanutour "Der Koitere-See und seine Perlen"
en: 3-day Canoe Tour "Lake Koitere and Its Pearls"
Ilomantsi | Experience | Nature Excursion, Paddling & Rafting, Water activity & cruises |
Koihu Adventures Oy 81450 |
de: Erkunden Sie die Landschaft und die friedliche Ruh...
en: Explore the scenery and peaceful tranquility of th...
en: The Mesikkä Animal Museum
Ilomantsi | Attraction | Cultural Heritage, Local Lifestyle, History, Museums & Galleries |
Parppeinvaara Rune Singer's Village +358 50 375 8787 |
en: The Mesikkä Animal Museum’s exhibition showcase...
en: Parppeinpirtti Restaurant
Ilomantsi | Eat & Drink | Culinary Experience, Food Experience, Fine Dining, Local Food, Restaurant, Lunch & brunch |
Parppeinpirtti Restaurant +358102399950 |
en: Parppeinpirtti Restaurant is a pearl of Karelian ...
en: Petkeljärvi National Park
de: Nationalpark Petkeljärvi
Ilomantsi | Attraction | National Parks |
Metsähallitus Luontopalvelut +358 206 39 5654 |
en: Peaceful esker ridges and lakes in the Karelian bo...
de: Grenzkarelische Kriegsgeschichte an ruhigen Teiche...
en: Rune Singer's House
Ilomantsi | Attraction | Museums & Galleries, History |
Parppeinvaara Rune Singer's Village +358 50 375 8787 |
en: The Rune Singer's House was built in 1964 to comme...
en: The Border General's Cabin Rukapirtti
Ilomantsi | Attraction | Cultural Heritage, History, Museums & Galleries |
Parppeinvaara Rune Singer's Village +358 50 375 8787 |
en: The history of the legendary Rukapirtti is inextr...
en: Canoeing Trip in the Wilderness
de: Kanutour in der Wildnis
Ilomantsi | Experience | Hiking, Walking & Trekking, Nature Excursion, Paddling & Rafting, Fishing & Hunting |
Koihu Adventures Oy +358405002084 |
en: Paddling from the Petkeljärvi National Park and l...
de: Paddeln Sie vom Petkeljärvi-Nationalpark und -See...